In Marc's famous gaming clubs, he'll teach you a new game and take you into a beautiful world. No gaming experience is necessary but an open mind is always welcome!
Let's play DIxit: Love Edition! It's time to think creatively, take the storytelling stage and simultaneously enter the minds of your competitors. But today's Dixit game has a special theme: love and relationships! So the theme of your stories will be in some way related to love and relationships. That includes heartbreak, and even revenge because love stories are the best stories and they have no limits! Let's enter together into the strange and dreamy game of Dixit! Get ready to laugh your butt off and let your creativity soar naturally...
In Dixit, you get a card, and from that card, you tell a story. Everybody has a card too though and they have to match your story with one of their cards. Then people pick the card that most matches your story. If they pick yours, you get a point. Sounds simple, right? But how do you turn your card into a story? How do you interpret images? How do your fellow players interpret images? And how do they connect your words with other images?
If you mess up the first time, don't worry! Dixit rounds are super quick and you'll have lots of opportunities to tell your tale. This is going to super fun!